Diagnostic Evaluation

The initial evaluation is usually a 60-90 minute session and is very important in clarifying the path that assessment and treatment will take. Psychiatric problems in general are difficult to diagnose due to their complexity and infinitely different presentations. In most cases, an absolute diagnosis is not made even in the first few visits and the assessment and collection of information is an ongoing process. At C3, be assured that all diligence will be taken to arrive at a diagnosis that will drive a patient centered treatment, medication plan and management.

Medication Management

Medications prescribed can improve the quality of life of a patient by restoring balance and managing symptoms, however, medications will not cure mental health disorders and illness. Medications work differently for each person and the efficacy of medications is affected by: age, body size, sex, physical health, substance use, liver and kidney function, genetics, other medications taken, diet and taking medications as prescribed or not. Accordingly, treatment, medication plan and management are person specific with corresponding results and experiences as individual as people. It is common to try several medications over a period of time before obtaining desired results.


Community Counseling Center offers limited psychotherapy at this time but will work collaboratively with other therapist outside of our network.